Patient Testimonials:​

I first met Dr Henry Mannings at ‘Starthrowers’ when, as a cancer patient, I was looking for as much information as possible on my illness and hoping to find a way to live. Although I was following the conventional treatment options of surgery and chemotherapy I wanted to do more to help myself but also wanted to have advice from someone who knew what he was talking about. Meeting him was a breath of fresh air and it felt as though a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. He gave me hope through his vast knowledge and offered many solutions that I continue to follow such as taking certain supplements. He is abreast of all the latest research and clinical trials in the UK and abroad, and I feel confident that he will continue to send me information on treatments that he comes across and that could help me. I trust his opinion on alternative and complementary approaches too and he always backs up his claims with evidence-based research which can be a minefield to a non-scientist like me. There are so many possible treatments and it is difficult to know where to start. As a patient I want to trust the people treating me and I have always trusted him. I cannot ignore the fact that he offers his expertise for free because he wants to help people and that is the most generous a person can be."
Gabriella Sancisi
Cancer patient
Dr. Mannings gave us immeasurable support at a very frightening time. My grandmother had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and the world felt like a dark sinister place. Fortunately, my grandmother's oncologist saw our despair and told us of a doctor running a Norfolk charity who could help. At the very first meeting Henry explained everything very clearly and patiently and answered every one of our questions with compassion. He made us feel like we mattered and he went on to help us through every step of our heartbreaking journey. Before meeting Henry I had arranged a couple of consultations with specialists in London, but this became unnecessary as Dr.Mannings very kindly and efficiently deciphered all treatment options, clinical trials, complementary therapies, alternative therapies, dietary options and most importantly, reminded us to enjoy our precious time together. All of my family felt extremely privileged to have his huge wealth of knowledge on our side. My Grandmother came out of our first meeting laughing with relief, despite having the worst prognosis imaginable. From then until her death and even now that she has been gone for 3 years, I still feel a huge gratitude to Henry and an unparalleled respect for this strange and unique creature who dedicates his life entirely to helping people when they need it most. A scrap of paper with the name 'Henry Mannings' scribbled on it is still the most precious gift I have received"
Helen Muttitt
Relative of Patient
In September 2017, my dad developed stomach pains. In January 2018 my Dad had a scan of his tummy and this was normal. As he wasn’t improving a CT scan was arranged at the end of March 2018 and this detected a tumour in his pancreas which was inoperable as it had the stomach. He was given a prognosis of 6 to 9 months to live as it was at the advanced stage. Dad was offered the option of chemotherapy but told that was unlikely to give him much time and could possibly make him worse. He chose not to take this course of treatment. Dad took it upon himself to see Dr Henry Mannings who he knew had been very helpful to a dear friend in previous times. I went with Dad to almost every appointment when he visited Dr Mannings and each time he gave Dad positive encouragement. At no stage did Dr Mannings give any of us false hope, he always told us Dad’s tumour was not curable due to where it was growing, but he said he would do everything he could with his expertise and knowledge to slow it down. Dr Mannings took regular blood tests from Dad even visiting Dad at home when he was to poorly to make the appointment one such blood test resulted in a call from the hospital to admit Dad to have treatment as his calcium levels were cause for concern. Dr Mannings always listened, advised and supported Dad every step of the way; Dad always felt stronger in mind when he had seen Dr Mannings. The whole family felt supported by Dr Mannings and he was always prepared to assist even out of hours; one night Mum felt unable to cope and she called Dr Mannings @ 3 o’clock in the morning, it wasn’t long before he arrived to assess the situation and reassure Mum and Dad. Unfortunately Dad passed away on 15th April 2019. We truly believe we wouldn’t have had as long with Dad if it hadn’t been for Dr Mannings. He is truly one of life’s special people and we will never be able to thank him enough for making Dad’s last month’s of his life as comfortable as could be. Thank you Dr Mannings from all the family."
Michelle Knights
Daughter of Patient
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